Why is Finland the world’s happiest country?

Finland has once again been crowned the happiest country in the world, according to the latest World Happiness Report. But what makes this Nordic nation so special? Here are five reasons why Finland is the happiest country on earth.

1) Finland has a strong sense of community and social cohesion.

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Finland’s strong sense of community and social cohesion is evident in many aspects of Finnish society. For example, Finns have a strong commitment to equality and social justice, and they are very active in volunteering and giving back to their communities.

In addition, Finland has a long tradition of public participation in decision-making, and Finnish citizens are highly engaged in civic life. This deep level of social engagement contributes to a feeling of togetherness and solidarity among the people of Finland.

2) Finns have a strong commitment to equality and social justice.

How Gender Equality in Finland Triumphs - 3 Plus International

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Finns have a long history of commitment to equality and social justice. The country’s first president, K. J. Ståhlberg, was a champion of equal rights and social reform. In the early 20th century, Finland was one of the first countries in the world to give women the right to vote and stand for election.

Today, Finland is widely considered to be one of the most progressive and egalitarian societies in the world. It consistently ranks high on international measures of gender equality, education, health care and quality of life. Finns are also very active in promoting global cooperation and human rights.

3) Finnish people have a high level of trust in their government and institutions.

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Finnish people have a high level of trust in their government and institutions. In fact, according to the World Economic Forum’s “Global Competitiveness Report 2018”, Finland is the most trusted country in the world.

There are several reasons why Finnish people have such a high level of trust in their government and institutions. First of all, Finland has a long history of democratic rule and stable governance. Secondly, Finnish institutions are generally very efficient and effective. For example, the Finnish education system is consistently ranked as one of the best in the world. Finally, corruption is relatively low in Finland compared to other countries.

All of these factors combine to create a situation where Finnish people have a high level of trust in their government and institutions. This trust is important for the functioning of society and it helps to create a sense of stability and security.

4) Finland has a very high standard of living.

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Finland is a small country with a big reputation. Its people are known for their high standard of living, and they enjoy one of the highest per capita incomes in the world.

There are many factors that contribute to Finland’s high standard of living. One is the country’s strong economy. Finland has a diversified economy that is based on both manufacturing and services. This makes it relatively resistant to economic shocks.

Another factor is the Finnish welfare state. The government provides a safety net that helps protect citizens from poverty and insecurity. This includes universal healthcare and free education, which help ensure that everyone has access to essential services.

Finally, Finns also enjoy a high quality of life. They have access to clean air and water, and they can enjoy the country’s beautiful natural scenery.

All of these factors combine to make Finland a great place to live. It’s no wonder that the country consistently ranks near the top of various surveys on quality of life.

5) Finland is a very safe and peaceful country.

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Finland is a very safe and peaceful country. The crime rate is low and the people are friendly and welcoming. There is no need to worry about your safety when travelling in Finland.

The Finnish government is stable and efficient, and the country has a strong economy. Finland is also a great place to live if you want to enjoy a high standard of living. The cost of living is reasonable, and there are many opportunities for education and employment.


If you are looking for a safe, stable, and prosperous country to live in, Finland is an excellent choice. You will be able to find everything you need to make your life comfortable and enjoyable.

Finland is the happiest country in the world because it has a strong sense of community, equality, and trust.

-Finland also invests in its people by providing free education and healthcare.

-The Finnish government understands that happiness is not just about money or material possessions.

If you want to be happy, move to Finland! (Just kidding…) But seriously, if you’re looking for a place where happiness is prioritized, look no further than Finland.

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